TOTEM: GHOST (ARCHETYPAL SOUL) OF THE HIMALAYAS, AKA the elusive snow leopard, powerful, agile
– tremendous leaper – a solitary spirit, reigns over roughed mountain peaks, considered sacred
by the people who live nearby. Fierce predator that, curiously, does not attack humans.


As a matter of fact, the only form of existence of which we have immediate knowledge is psychic [i.e., in the mind].
We might as well say, on the contrary, that physical existence is a mere inference, since we know of matter only in so far as we perceive psychic images mediated by the senses." - Carl Jung
“Is that which science calls the “psyche” not merely a question-mark arbitrarily confined within the skull, but rather a door that opens upon the human world from a world beyond, now and again allowing strange and unseizable potencies to act upon him and to remove him, as if upon the wings of the night, from the level of common humanity to that of a more personal vocation?” ― C.G. Jung, Modern Man in Search of a Soul

(or mythological patterns) transcending experience.

MEANING OF MYTH: As the ego looks in the direction of the Self, the transpersonal center of the psyche (transcending the individual), it tends to experience the Self not as a unity (at least not at first) but as a multiplicity of archetypal factors that one can think of as being represented by mythological gods.

The gods can be seen to stand for the archetypes, the basic patterns within the human psyche that exist independent of personal experience. We all have all of them present, and it is in our best interest to honor all of them at appropriate times and in any given situation because without this balance we run the risk of over-identification with one element and thereby do violence to all the others. In turn, this sort of extremism throws our psyche out of whack and we can only see one facet of ourselves and the world. – partially paraphrased from Eternal Drama by Edward F. Edinger

EGO & SELF: The ego receives the light from the self...
Though we know of the self, yet it is not known. You may see a big town and know its name and geographical position, yet you do not know a single one of its inhabitants. You may even know a man through daily intercourse, yet you can be entirely ignorant of his real character.
The ego is contained in the self as it is contained in the universe of which we know only the tiniest section...

If the self could be wholly experienced, it would be a limited experience whereas in reality, its experience is unlimited and endless. It is our ego-consciousness that is capable of only of limited experience. We can only say that the self is limitless, but we cannot experience its infinity

I can say that my consciousness is the same as that of the self, but it is nothing but words since there is not the slightest evidence that I participate more or further in the self than my ego-consciousness reaches.

The universe does not seem to exist for the sole purpose of man denying or escaping it.......In order to get rid of opposites, I need/ must accept them first, but this leads away from the self. I must also earn how opposites can be united, and not how they can be avoided...

As long as I am on the first part of the road I have to forget the self in order to get properly into the mill of the opposites, otherwise, I live only fragmentarily and conditionally. Although the self is my origin, it is also the goal of my quest. When it was my origin, I did not know myself, and when I did learn about myself, I did not know the self.