TOTEM: GHOST (ARCHETYPAL SOUL) OF THE HIMALAYAS, AKA the elusive snow leopard, powerful, agile
– tremendous leaper – a solitary spirit, reigns over roughed mountain peaks, considered sacred
by the people who live nearby. Fierce predator that, curiously, does not attack humans.

SYNCHRONICITY... a significant coincidence of physical and psychological (psychic) phenomena that are acausal connected...

Behind all these phenomena Jung places the archetype or the constellation of an archetype, which, in his view, is a process that engages equally objective manifestations, in the physical world, and subjective ones, in the psychological universe.

Synchronicity, as an explicative theory, applies to phenomena from the area of parapsychology, prevision, and premonition. FROM Carl Jung- Synchronicity.
BELOW: NOTE ASIDE/ Reality's quadrants: space/time continuum, indestructible energy, causality, and synchronicity.

Synchronicity works because time is a fabric (Einstein) interwoven w/ space. PSYCHE & MATTER AS ONE: Active archetypes underlie and cut across the spacetime continuum 

We tend not to see meaning in chance because we focus on single events and their causes, not on how chance events arrange themselves in groups or series.