TOTEM: GHOST (ARCHETYPAL SOUL) OF THE HIMALAYAS, AKA the elusive snow leopard, powerful, agile
– tremendous leaper – a solitary spirit, reigns over roughed mountain peaks, considered sacred
by the people who live nearby. Fierce predator that, curiously, does not attack humans.

ACTIVE IMAGINATION is not hypnosis, contemplation, or meditation (but all three).

Hypnosis (is) … the world of unconsciousness. Contemplation … sharpen(s) the mind's reasoning ability. Meditation asks us to move away from the dream world and our everyday mind through focusing on a single word, our breathing, or our movement...

Elements of all of these practices are touched upon when practicing Active Imagination. 

But, Active Imagination relies upon an alert mind, the non-rational, and a high level of inner creative fludity...

Events that bring a person to relax their everyday awareness (e.g. listening to stories, watching the flames in a fireplace, listening to the sea) can move us into Active Imagination. From Mystical Experience Registry. See also Wikipedia and Jung Resources.