TOTEM: GHOST (ARCHETYPAL SOUL) OF THE HIMALAYAS, AKA the elusive snow leopard, powerful, agile
– tremendous leaper – a solitary spirit, reigns over roughed mountain peaks, considered sacred
by the people who live nearby. Fierce predator that, curiously, does not attack humans.


(opposite: Feeling) analytical types!

(opposite: Thinking) practical types!

(opposite: sensation) insightful types!

(opposite: intuition) sensible types!

* SENSING/ ADMINISTRATION = getting information by means of the senses. Good at looking and listening and generally getting to know the world. It is irrational function, involving perception rather than judging.

Sensation types: Administrator: sensible types! (Opposite of Intuition.) Uses systems; organizes and controls things; cooperates to carry out tasks. Seldom make errors of fact. Are patient with routine details. Usually reach a conclusion step-by-step. Tend to be good at precise work. (Opposite: intuition)

Ensures rules in place and followed, plans made and adhered to. Precise and accurate, creates methods and procedures to do things "right". Logical. Clean up carelessness. Like things humming at a steady pace, and open to the slow and careful. Drawn to tasks requiring systemic thinking and precision.

Introverted sensates listen to fine music, surrounded by art and beautiful objects, delighting in haute cuisine. Interested in impact on senses. Extroverted sensates manufacture and provide marvelous music, art objects and haute cuisine that the introverted sensates take so much pleasure in.

Shadow: Solely caught up in concrete realities of the here and now. Can't read between the lines. Can't see behind facades. Taking things literally. Being gullible. Dislikes problems unless there are standard ways to solve them. Like an established way of doing things. Enjoy using skills already learned more than learning new ones. Work more steadily, with realistic idea of how long it will take. Are impatient when details get complicated. Are not often inspired, and rarely trust the inspiration when they are.

* THINKING/ PRODUCING = evaluating information or ideas rationally, logically. It is rational function, involving decision making or judging.

Thinking types: Producers: analytical types! (Opposite of Feeling.) Gets things done; sense of urgency and efficiency; overcomes opposition to accomplish results. Like analysis and putting things in logical order. Can get along without harmony. Are able to reprimand people or fire them when necessary.(Opposite: feeling)

Drive and the discipline for results. Impatient, active, and busy. Little time for idle chit-chat. Direct and to the point. Behind-the scenes movers and shakers. Attracted to high-intensity activity. Too busy to "waste time" with meetings. Cut small talk and get the job done!

Introverted thinker: occupied with inner philosophical speculations. Extroverted thinker: Involved in out-in-the-world problem solving and understanding.

Shadow: Provides rules and structure. Sticks foot in mouth. Says inappropriate things. Seemingly cold, can be staunchly moral. Does not show emotion readily and are often uncomfortable dealing with people's feelings. May hurt people's feelings without knowing it. Ten to decide impersonally, sometimes paying insufficient attention to people's wishes. Need to be treated fairly. Are more analytically orientated - respond more easily to people's thoughts. Tend to be firm minded.

* INTUITING/ ENTREPRENEUR = a perception working outside usual conscious processes. It is irrational or perceptual, like sensing, but comes from the complex integration of large amounts of information. Jung said it was like seeing around corners.

Intuition types: Entrepreneur: insightful types! (Opposite of Sensing.) Sees and seizes opportunities; finding what makes the most sense in any situation; brings others into alliance to accomplish tasks. Are patient with complicated situations. Visualizes an array of possibilities and out of them a probability, which may not be visible at all! (Opposite: sensation)

Ideas person, asking "why?" or "why not?" Visionary with dreams, plans, schemes. Leads others to ideas not pursued on their own. Creative & risk-takers. Bored with short-term tasks, prefer long-term vision. Charismatic, generating new ideas and new approaches.

Introverted intuitives populate the monasteries and mountaintops of the world, "mystical" places that are "close to the gods." Extroverted intuitives play "games" at racetracks or stock market, or are at psychic-reading parlors, chasing their fancy wherever it flutters.

Shadow: Does not perceive objective reality very well. Misses the obvious. A dreamer! Likes solving new problems. Dislikes doing the same thing repeatedly. Enjoy learning new skills more than using them. Works in burst of energy powered by enthusiasm, with slack periods in between. Reach conclusions quickly. Are impatient with routine details. Follow inspirations, good and bad. May make errors of fact. Dislike taking time for precision.

* FEELING/ INTEGRATOR = evaluating by weighing overall, emotional response. Jung termed it as rational in a practical sense.

Feeling types: Integrator: practical types! (Opposite of Thinking.) Understands people, figuring out their highest and best use and inspiring them to be all they can; works with existing circumstances to promote quality. Makes structure resilient. States logical inferences a' la Sherlock Holmes. Enjoy pleasing people, even in unimportant things. Like harmony, efficiency.

Are more people-oriented - respond more easily to people's values. (Opposite: thinking)
People-oriented. Value social harmony. Thrive on peacemaking/ teamwork. Pleasant, amiable, empathetic, cooperative. Consensus trumps strong positions.

Introverted feelers: May be madly in love with you, but it's "none of your damned business." Extroverted feelers: Must communicate their feelings at all costs, with flowers, poetic greeting cards or candlelight dinners by the sea.

Shadow: Rotten mathematician. Gush effusively, or keep the gushing bottled up. Misinterpret others intentions, motivations. Tend to be very aware of other people and their feelings. May be badly disturbed by office feuds. Often let decisions be influenced by their own or other people's personal likes and wishes. Need occasional praise. Dislike telling people unpleasant things. Tend to be sympathetic