OBSERVER EFFECT: In quantum experiments, subatomic particles appear to exist only as a wave of probability until they are observed. When this happens, the wave collapses into a single place in time, known as ‘The Observer Effect’. The observer has created reality simply by perceiving it.PSYCHOPHYSICAL INTERRELATION: “WRESTLING WITH THE ONE.” MATTER MOSTLY SPACE: “If you took out all the empty space from between the particles that make up the atoms of which Planet Earth is composed, the entire ball would fit neatly in the palm of your hand... so, why can’t you walk straight through this planet?
“… no matter how they (quantum particles) combine, there is one rule they all keep: No two of them can do exactly the same thing.
For physicists, “doing the same thing” means occupying the same quantum state... It’s only because every particle must be different from every other particle in such things as energy level, momentum and position, that we end up with a hugely variegated universe—or any universe at all.
“This principle was discovered by one of the fathers of quantum physics, Wolfgang Pauli. If Pauli would have rewritten Genesis, he might have begun, “In the beginning, G‑d granted every particle of matter exclusive rights. And so, a multitude of things came into being.”
“… But when it comes to quantum physics, how does each particle know it’s supposed to keep this rule?
Bigger problem: How does each particle know the state of every other particle in the universe so that it won’t imitate it?
“Even bigger problem: Pauli’s exclusion principle is just that—a principle. Yet it’s due to that principle that matter occupies space—and that we can touch matter.
“We like to bury those issues by saying there are “fields” or “laws.” Words like those are useful at times. But let’s not allow them to blur a deep truth staring us in the face: We touch with our fingers not stuff, but deep wisdom. The ultimate wisdom.” FROM CHABAD.ORG